Life is like a vehicle on the way, traveling through the traffic of problems.  Some of them breaks our moves or steps too, not only a speed. Problem shatters patience and veils the eyes against hope of life.
We ask God, but many times God doesn't give any answer or solution. We ourselves do a lot, happens nothing and get anxious.
One day I felt hurt,  because of some reasons. I went somewhere to a quiet place.
Mostly I don't share my sad feelings with people, and I didn't as well. because I knew the problem is not a solvable anyway.

That time I just wanted to feel better temporarily.
(When it is hard to find everlasting happiness people are constrained to make do with temporary. That's the reason we should share the Jesus' path).
And I started to imagine a fine tomorrow without the same sadness and feelings of being hurt.
At the same moment I remembered the statement of Jesus, "...tomorrow will worry about itself." (Matthew 6:34) here only the word "tomorrow" captured my mind.
Where Jesus was talking about time.
I just thought how amazingly the wound gets healed itself. The time is a main factor behind this.
And why the Bible tells us many things about the time, I think this is why because God made the time, and he uses it to change the situations.He made it to solve the problems.

Eventually I got the point in mind: The time is a best solution itself.
Suddenly I felt a peace, because I had a solution of my problem, and it was the time.
After that incident I learnt that, we want solution only in keeping with our problems. Quick and easy.
But God wants more than that. His solution is always ultimate and in keeping with our needs and what we deserve.That day I came back to home and just waited a time, tomorrow of that day was not the same, it was different and had happiness.
Willfully I forgot the sadness it could not make me worried as yesterday.
Maybe you're also facing the problems, and not getting any solution.
I suggest you to wait for a time because it could be your ultimate solution which God wants to give you.
